Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Being Harpo

One of my big problems is that I rarely rant in a single location.

I can go into a full-on tropical storm bellowing rant on an irc channel on, say, why asking "what language should I learn first" is a sign the questioner will never get past helloworld. But, like lotus petals in a stream, these rants are impermanent. They disappear unless pastebinned for more permanent posterity.

The sole reason for having a blog is to rant, bellow, and generally piss people off. In the process, you'll learn something, even technical stuff. Keep it up long enough and you'll avoid being a complete unknown.

I'm not a good blogger, though. Sometime a few years ago I mostly gave up blogging, believing it to be mental masturbation with a soundtrack. Now, thanks to twitter, I can say that blogging is less offensive than making public every single grunting impulse.

So. I want to blog. I want to post snippets of code, occasional Petroleum Vetruvius Nasby rants, etc. But every time I think of posting, I get distracted by something that won't leave my verbal catspray forever marking this corner of the web.

I've got to figure out a good way of making regular updates a habit, or else learn how to play the harp.

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